Tuesday, 15 December 2009

What Are My Project Costs by Resource Type for Next Period? Part 2

Refer to earlier post for details on how this information can be delivered via Resource Usage view.

In this post, we will look at how this information can be delivered via Visual Reports.

1) Open existing project from the server.

2) Navigate to Report > Visual Reports and launch the ‘Resource Cost Summary’ Report under ‘Resource Usage’ Tab


(click picture to enlarge)

Ensure time period selected is weekly.


(click picture to enlarge)

3) Select the Resource Usage Tab in the Excel work-book.


4) Update the Fields List for Column, Row and value fields as per example in figure below.


(click picture to enlarge)

5) Review the report and adjust/format (for timescales) as necessary.


Visual reports provide a powerful way to analyse project data using Microsoft Excel.

What Are My Project Costs by Resource Type for Next Period? Part 1

I often get asked by Project Managers about ways of extracting project data and this one seems to top the list. This information can easily be obtained via;

  1. Resource Usage View
  2. Visual Report

Let’s review how this can be done using Resource Usage view.

1) Log in to project Professional. Ensure that ‘Load Summary Resource Assignments’ is un-checked if you just want to view individual project data.


2) Open your existing project from the server.

3) Navigate to ‘Resource Usage’ view.


(click picture to enlarge)

4) Select Project Grouping ‘Resource Type’.


(click picture to enlarge)

Note: Collapse assignments, as required, to show summary by Resource Type e.g. Work, Material or Cost. Right-click in the timephased area of the view and add ‘Cost’ field (remove ‘work’ field if not required).

The figure below illustrates an example of the view showing weekly costs split by Resource types > Resources.


(click picture to enlarge)

The above changes can be made in Enterprise Global so that all users can benefit from standardisation. Alternatively, individuals can create their own local view. Refer to earlier post for creating local views.