Monday, 29 April 2013

Word2013 – How to resolve the problem "Word experienced an error trying to open the file" when opening a Word 2007/2010 file

Having rolled out office 2013, I thought it was plain sailing until I received some documents from a customer and could not open them. I kept getting this error message.


Some research led me to this excellent MS article. 

Worked a treat for me. In my case, I added the root location where I keep my documents as Trusted location.

Hope this helps.

Project Centre – Error: This Web Part requires at least Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0

Applies: Project Server 2010

I recently upgraded my IE to version 10 for Win7. Since then, I was not able to access my project centre. I kept getting this error message.


After racking my brains for a while, I tried setting the compatibility mode for this PWA site. Note: You can do this via IE Tools.



This worked a treat!! I was able to access by project centre again.


There you have it. Hope this made your day!!