Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Updated feature: Calculated field in SharePoint lists and libraries

Please be aware of the upcoming change.

Action required by June 14, 2017

Calculated fields in SharePoint lists and libraries running in the classic UI mode can be used to create conditional or derived values to display to users as if there were native metadata on the item or document. Some users have added HTML markup or script elements to calculated fields. This is an undocumented use of the feature, and Microsoft will begin blocking execution of custom markup in calculated fields in SharePoint Online on June 13, 2017. And, they are providing this option to SharePoint Server 2016 and SharePoint Server 2013 in the June 2017 and subsequent Public Updates, adding the option for the same optional capability on-premises.

How does this affect me?

Your administrators will have been notified if you have one or more SharePoint Online lists and libraries in your organization that are using unsupported calculated fields. Beginning June 13, 2017, markup contained in calculated fields will be ignored. In many cases, calculated fields containing markup will be displayed as blank values in list and library views.

What do I need to do to prepare for this change?

You can request a one-time extension, until September 10, 2017, during which time unsupported markup will be rendered by calculated fields.  Please click Additional information to learn more.

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