Here are some nice Tips from Niklas Goude for PowerShell commands for SharePoint.
In SharePoint 2010 you can manage sites through Windows PowerShell. You can create new sites in a site collection using the New-SPWeb cmdlet
New-SPWeb http://SP/TeamSite -Template “STS#0” –Name “Team Site” `
-Description “Description of Site” –AddToTopNav –UseParentTopNav
You can retrieve an existing site using the Get-SPWeb cmdlet:
Get-SPWeb http://SP/TeamSite
You can configure a site through the Set-SPWeb cmdlet:
Get-SPWeb http://SP/TeamSite | Set-SPWeb -Description “New Description”
And finally, you can remove a site using the Remove-SPWeb cmdlet:
Remove-SPWeb http://SP/TeamSite -Confirm:$false
Setting the –Confirm switch parameter to $false omits the confirmation returned from PowerShell.
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