Applies: Project Server 2007+
Here are a few considerations when working with Enterprise Calendars. Enterprise Calendars can be assigned to Projects, Resources and Tasks.
1) Project Calendar | An Enterprise Calendar assigned to a Project impacts all the Tasks within the project schedule. E.g. tasking will NOT take place on weekends etc. Note: ensure that the project scheduling OPTIONS for task working times match that of the project calendar. PMO will need to keep this Enterprise Calendar updated for exceptions such as weekends, public holiday etc.
2) Resource Calendar | Resource Calendars are based on a specific Enterprise Calendar, normally the BASE calendar that the project is based on, so that it inherits the exceptions such as weekends, public holiday etc. (+) Resource Managers/PMO can add further exceptions to the resource calendar for specific resource availability/exceptions e.g. holidays etc. Note: if a Resource calendar is based on a different BASE calendar to that of the project, then the resource calendar scheduling will take precedence. E.g. an international Project is based on UK holidays and Resource in Middle East is based on UAE calendar (with Friday/Sat off and Sun working). Any task that has the UAE resource assigned will show as working on Sunday. The scheduling for the assigned task is governed by the working times of the resource on that task, i.e. based on that resource’s calendar (BASE Calendar + exceptions).
3) Task Calendar | If you want to override the default scheduling behaviour of resource calendar, then you will need to set the scheduling exception against the task and assign a different/specific calendar. See figure below to override the Resource Calendar scheduling. |
Note: if you want to update multiple[le task calendars en-mass, inside of a project, you can insert the following two columns/built in fields. And then Copy/fill-down to all the tasks in the project. Alternatively, you can write a macro and add to Enterprise Global, to do this for programmatically.
Hope this helps.
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