Monday 12 April 2010

Managing My Custom (Local) Project Pro Settings/views within EPM

Applies to: EPM2003, EPM2007

In the past posts (links below), we discussed the ways of creating local views within Microsoft EPM environment i.e. working with your local custom views/settings that are different to the Enterprise Views. 

The question then arises, as to how these local settings/views can easily be;

  1. Copied and used in other already existing projects, and
  2. Used in New projects 

The solution for the above two scenarios is as follow;

Migrating Custom Local Project Pro Views to an Existing Project

The key to migrating custom local views is understanding the fundamentals of what a view comprises of within Microsoft Project Pro. i.e. a View comprises of [Table] + [Filter] + [Group]. Note: Refer to the earlier post which provides the background.

Firstly, open the project from the server (via Project Pro) which has your local settings/views. Then, open the other existing project into which you wish to migrate the custom local settings/view. Now that both projects are open, follow these simple steps;

1) Select the 1st project which has your local/custom settings/views. You can do this by selecting the project name from Windows button the tool bar.


2) Open the Organizer utility via Tools > Organizer


3) Once the Organizer dialog box has launched, you configure the migration/copy of entities from one project to another. See fig below. I would recommend having your 1st project (i.e. with the local settings/views) on the left hand side and the other existing project on the right hand side. Then, click the appropriate tab for each entity, select the custom entity name and click Copy. Do this for all the components that make up your local/custom view for example Table, Group, Filter. Don't forget to copy the View as well. Remember; a View comprises of [Table] + [Filter] + [Group].


4) Once this is done, Close the Organizer dialog box. Save changes to your 2nd project and check-in.

Using Local Custom Settings/Views for New Projects

Now that you have mastered the process for transferring/copying the local custom settings/views from one project to another, you do not want to keep doing this for all new projects you create in future. The options are;

  1. Get your local custom settings/views incorporated into the Enterprise Templates so that others can benefit. Note: only users with appropriate access rights will be able to do this. This is normally a PMO/Administrator function. You may not have access rights to perform this function, in which case, the following option will be more appropriate.
  2. Create an Enterprise Project (not Enterprise Template) that can be used as your ‘template project’ i.e. cookie cutter for your new projects. I would suggest a naming convention like ‘001_YourName_Template’.
    • Use this project to hold all your custom local settings/views
    • Use this project to create new Enterprise Projects using SAVE AS function.

Note: follow the above steps to migrate your custom settings/views to create your ‘template project’.

Enjoy! create and keep your local configuration which does not clash with Enterprise configuration.

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